Üstü karla kaplanmış arabanıza ulaşınca eldivenlerinizi evde unuttuğunuzu farkediyorsunuz, buz kazıyıcıyı soğuktan kızarmış ellerle tutup ön camı temizlemeye razı oluyorsunuz değil mi? Olmayın! :)
You realize that you have left your gloves back at home when you reach your snow covered car and settle for a cold and painful little adventure with your ice scraper and bare, red, sore hands, don't you? Well, don't! :)
Soğuktan ve soğuğun getirdiği tüm sefillikten tiksiniyorum, evet. Ve fakat hala içimdeki kar görmüş İzmirli yaşıyor. Her kar yağışında aynı edepsiz sevinç... Utanıyorum herkes endişelenirken ergen gibi coşmaya, “üff yaa yine mi kar!” diye alnımı kırıştırmaya çalışıyorum filan ama ı-ıh! Seviyorum seviyorum çok seviyorum!
Sevdiğim bir şey daha var: himself. Bu yüzden herhalde, karla iyi geçinsin istiyorum. Yavrum yine her sabah arabayı temizleyeceğim diye kendini paralamaya başladı, kıpkırmızı oluyor elleri, kar kol ağızlarından içeri doluyor filan. Çok tatsız… Cama ağzımı burnumu yapıştırıp türlü şebeklikler yapıyorum durumu kurtarmak için ama daha kökten bir çözüm bulmam gerektiğinin farkındayım. Bu arada aklıma bu manşonlu kar temizleme spatulası geldi. Birileri “amerikadangetirmieeş”, geçen yıl ilkbaharda görüp “aa ne güzel fikir!” demiştim. Gecikmeden yapıp paylaşayım, bütün himselflerin, herselflerin elleri sıcacık kalsın sabahları mademse ^^
The snow finally made it to Ankara last week. It was about ten years ago that I moved to this cold snowy city with its continental climate (Alaska, anyone?), leaving the ever-so-sunny İzmir (weather-wise, California). Since then I went through all kinds of misery the snowy weather has to offer, lost control of my car over the thick ice layers, walked for hours for no other means of transportation was available, been late for work gazillions of times, couldn’t make it to the office, couldn’t make it back home, got stuck at the office, got stuck at home, got stuck at malls, ran out of gas in weathers that made it impossible to leave home to get more. Tried to warm up with tea-light candles’ flame, almost burned down the house (do NOT attempt to light them close together people, kerosene lights up! I’ve witnessed a bonfire on my dining table!)
I hate cold and all the misery it brings about, yes. Yet that Smyrnian girl inside me still does secret cheerful air punches when she sees cute white snowflakes floating. I am sensible enough to be ashamed of my teenage euphoria so I am careful to raise my eyebrows and murmur “Snow? Again?!” followed by an attempt at a facepalm that reeks of hypocrisy for the sake of those grown-ups who get all worried about the torture the snow is about the inflict on us. Yet I love love love it!
Something else I love love love is himself, you know. As of this week his mornings of agony, trying to clean the car of the excess snow has begun. Hands all sore and red, snow filling up his sleeves, very VERY unpleasant… I press my face to the windows and make faces I hope he finds funny, yet I knew I had to do something real to help his war against terror weather! Then I remembered this snow sleeve I saw at someone’s car. I remembered thinking “I could totally make it!”. Just wanted to share in case some himselves and herselves out there may want to give a try to keep their hands warm and cars clean.